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Pelajar & Mahasiswa

Mungkin tidak mudah untuk mengenal diri sendiri, terutama pada usia remaja yang matang. Namun menyadari passion sangat penting untuk mengarahkan kamu menuju tujuan.  Di Vooya, peserta memiliki kesempatan untuk mengeksplorasi tidak hanya passion mereka tetapi juga kegigihan mereka. Melalui program kami, peserta akan mulai dari minat dan kemudian menemukan keahlian mereka dalam meraih karir impian. Inilah apa kata mereka ...

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Anda telah memilih karir yang tidak tepat untuk Anda? Jangan khawatir! Vooya dapat membantu Anda menemukan karir yang mengobarkan semangat dalam diri Anda. Tidak perlu takut membuka lembaran baru, berikut adalah beberapa kata dari mereka yang mengambil lompatan keberanian dan meminta nasihat dari Vooya.


Lebih suka mendengar langsung dari peserta profesional kami

Orang Tua

Orang tua memainkan peran penting dalam perkembangan anak. Mereka adalah sistem pendukung utama anak dan sangat penting bagi orang tua untuk terlibat dalam proses pengambilan keputusan dari jalur karir anak mereka. Tetapi bagaimana orang tua dapat terlibat tanpa memaksakan kehendak mereka pada anak? Berikut adalah kata-kata dari orang tua yang telah membimbing anak mereka untuk menemukan perjalanan mereka sendiri dengan memberi mereka sumber daya untuk mengeksplorasi passion mereka di dunia profesional.


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What the parents say: “The program is really digging up the participants’ potentials"

What the parents say: “The program is really digging up the participants’ potentials"

See how Mrs. Rosje, parent of one of the students in ACS Jakarta, describes how helpful Vooya through its experiential study tour program is by digging up students’ real passion and potentials during the trip. Vooya x ACS Jakarta #UnlockingYou Project @UK Experiential Study Tour 21 - 30 September 2017 London, Oxford, and Cambridge Vooya aims at helping schools develop experiential program overseas to explore students' passions! Mrs. Rosje (parent at ACS Jakarta) gives remarks on the Experiential Study Tour to UK, a 10-day trip and collaboration between Vooya and ACS Jakarta. What? • Stock Simulation at London Stock Exchange • Mock Trial at Royal Courts of Justice • Robotics & Engineering • Punting at River Cam • CSI Forensics workshop • British Etiquette/Manner & Afternoon Tea experience • Engineering at MINI Cooper Plant Oxford • Business of Football at Chelsea + Stamford Bridge Tour University Visit: • University of Oxford (Merton, Trinity and Christ Church College) • University of Cambridge • King's College London • Imperial College London • University College London (UCL) • Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) How can students settle their passion and dreams by joining our project? By learning, experiencing and reflecting through personal journal, students can practice their skills and reflect which profession or academic discipline is right for them. What's included? - Return Ticket JKT-LON -JKT - Hotels - Local Transportation during the study tour - 3x meals/day - Vooya Coach & Vooya Subject Experts - More than 8 Certificates  We also provide experiential study tour to Tokyo & Sydney! What are you waiting for? Reach us at Vooya - Passion without Borders Darmawangsa Square, Jakarta | @thevooyager +62 818 520 900 Vooya - Passion without Borders Vooya provides an experiential learning for bold and curious people who would like to explore their passions and acquire new knowledge and skills in a new way outside classrooms, learning without borders. We call our participants Vooyagers. They are known as the wonderer and the wanderer who have unrelenting thirst for continuous learning. They are also not afraid to embrace the uncertainty and to fail. We are Marco Polo, Amelia Earhart, Neil Armstrong, Indiana Jones and Captain Kirk.
What the parents say: “A great chance to gain insight into multiple professions.”

What the parents say: “A great chance to gain insight into multiple professions.”

See how Mrs. Nia, parent of one of the students in ACS Jakarta, describes Vooya’s experiential study tour as a good program that helps students to gain insight into multiple professions directly from the experts. It will be a good reference for their future, on what profession they might consider taking. Vooya x ACS Jakarta #UnlockingYou Project @UK Experiential Study Tour 21 - 30 September 2017 London, Oxford, and Cambridge Vooya aims at helping schools develop experiential program overseas to explore students' passions! Mrs. Nia (parent at ACS Jakarta) gives remarks on the Experiential Study Tour to the UK, a 10-day trip and collaboration between Vooya and ACS Jakarta. What? • Stock Simulation at London Stock Exchange • Mock Trial at Royal Courts of Justice • Robotics & Engineering • Punting at River Cam • CSI Forensics workshop • British Etiquette/Manner & Afternoon Tea experience • Engineering at MINI Cooper Plant Oxford • Business of Football at Chelsea + Stamford Bridge Tour University Visit: • University of Oxford (Merton, Trinity and Christ Church College) • University of Cambridge • King's College London • Imperial College London • University College London (UCL) • Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) How can students settle their passion and dreams by joining our project? By learning, experiencing and reflecting through personal journal, students can practice their skills and reflect which profession or academic discipline is right for them. What's included? - Return Ticket JKT-LON -JKT - Hotels - Local Transportation during the study tour - 3x meals/day - Vooya Coach & Vooya Subject Experts - More than 8 Certificates  We also provide experiential study tour to Tokyo & Sydney! What are you waiting for? Reach us at Vooya - Passion without Borders Darmawangsa Square, Jakarta | @thevooyager +62 818 520 900 Vooya - Passion without Borders Vooya provides an experiential learning for bold and curious people who would like to explore their passions and acquire new knowledge and skills in a new way outside classrooms, learning without borders. We call our participants Vooyagers. They are known as the wonderer and the wanderer who have unrelenting thirst for continuous learning. They are also not afraid to embrace the uncertainty and to fail. We are Marco Polo, Amelia Earhart, Neil Armstrong, Indiana Jones and Captain Kirk.
What the parents say: “It’s a very good learning process. And the workshops are very hands-on”

What the parents say: “It’s a very good learning process. And the workshops are very hands-on”

See how Mrs. Jiya, parent of one of the students in ACS Jakarta, describes Vooya’s experiential study tour helps her to make her dream comes true – visiting and exploring her dream university, Oxford, and how the journey becomes an excellent learning process for her daughter. Vooya x ACS Jakarta #UnlockingYou Project @UK Experiential Study Tour 21 - 30 September 2017 London, Oxford, and Cambridge Vooya aims at helping schools develop experiential program overseas to explore students' passions! Mrs. Jiya (parent at ACS Jakarta) gives remarks on the Experiential Study Tour to UK, a 10-day trip and collaboration between Vooya and ACS Jakarta. What? • Stock Simulation at London Stock Exchange • Mock Trial at Royal Courts of Justice • Robotics & Engineering • Punting at River Cam • CSI Forensics workshop • British Etiquette/Manner & Afternoon Tea experience • Engineering at MINI Cooper Plant Oxford • Business of Football at Chelsea + Stamford Bridge Tour University Visit: • University of Oxford (Merton, Trinity and Christ Church College) • University of Cambridge • King's College London • Imperial College London • University College London (UCL) • Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) How can students settle their passion and dreams by joining our project? By learning, experiencing and reflecting through personal journal, students can practice their skills and reflect which profession or academic discipline is right for them. What's included? - Return Ticket JKT-LON -JKT - Hotels - Local Transportation during the study tour - 3x meals/day - Vooya Coach & Vooya Subject Experts - More than 8 Certificates  We also provide experiential study tour to Tokyo & Sydney! What are you waiting for? Reach us at Vooya - Passion without Borders Darmawangsa Square, Jakarta | @thevooyager +62 818 520 900 Vooya - Passion without Borders Vooya provides an experiential learning for bold and curious people who would like to explore their passions and acquire new knowledge and skills in a new way outside classrooms, learning without borders. We call our participants Vooyagers. They are known as the wonderer and the wanderer who have unrelenting thirst for continuous learning. They are also not afraid to embrace the uncertainty and to fail. We are Marco Polo, Amelia Earhart, Neil Armstrong, Indiana Jones and Captain Kirk.


Pendidik adalah figur di sekolah yang dijunjung tinggi oleh pelajar. Mereka telah menyaksikan kemajuan akademik siswa mereka dan memiliki tanggung jawab untuk mengarahkan di mana letak passion siswa. Lagi pula, setiap pendidik ingin melihat siswanya berhasil, bukan? Dengan Vooya, Anda dapat mendorong siswa Anda untuk menjelajah lebih jauh. Bukan hanya apa yang ada di luar sana di dunia, tetapi juga apa yang ada di dalam diri mereka sendiri. Berikut adalah beberapa testimoni dari para pendidik yang bekerja sama dengan Vooya untuk menemukan potensi siswa mereka yang sebenarnya.


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Jl. Darmawangsa VI & IX
Jakarta Selatan 12160, Indonesia

Tue - Sat          9 AM - 6 PM

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